Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The "Godmother of Cocaine" Griselda Blanco, Brutally Gunned Down in Colombia

Sad news reported this morning. Griselda Blanco, age 69, known to many as the "Godmother of Cocaine" was brutally gunned down by a motorcycle assassin in Medellin on Monday. 

Police say Blanco was leaving a butcher shop with her pregnant daughter-in-law when she was approached by two men on motorcycles. One of the men raised a gun and shot two bullets into her head, then sped off. 

Many people expected this type of death for Blanco due to the fact that shit made many enemies during the "cocaine cowboy"era of Miami's continuing drug war and also is said to have invented the idea of the "motorcycle assassin". 

For more on this story, visit This is 50

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